Couple Makes Environmentally Friendly Baby Shoes That Melt Away

A couple in Oregon have a new way to help the environment... by combatting overflow of clothing in landfills each year.

Woolybubs are shoes that are designed to dissolve in water. Each pair are meant to last through two infants and once they're no longer useful, you just dissolve them in a pot of boiling water.

This is straight from their FAQ on their website: "We stitch the Newbies with durable, planet-friendly materials that hold up to normal baby wear and tear. But when placed in boiling water, the shoes dissolve. Bacteria then decompose the dissolved solution back to CO2 and water. If you’re not into boiling shoes, the good news is they are 100% biodegradable."

Each family discards around 18 pounds of trash a day. The founders of Woolybubs, Megan and Jesse, are doing their best to combat the trash that's building up and lives on our planet for years to come.

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