Things Everyone Should Do By Age 40

A poll has found the top 20 things that everyone should experience before they turn 40 and they're... interesting.

  1. Have a stable job (29%)
  2. Own a car (28%)
  3. Go to the doctor more often to care for your health (26%)
  4. Travel with a person you love (26%)
  5. Own a home (26%) 
  6. Start a family (25%)
  7. Learn to cook/bake well (23%) 
  8. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, hospital or senior citizen’s home (22%)
  9. Donate to charity (21%)
  10. Start a hobby (20%)
  11. Conquer a fear (e.g. public speaking) (20%) 
  12. Own a business (19%)
  13. See the New Year’s Eve ball drop in Times Square in person (18%)
  14. Go through a break-up (16%) 
  15. Go on a solo date (16%) 
  16. Learn at least one new language (16%) 
  17. Ride a roller coaster (15%) 
  18. Watch movies like “This is 40” for laughs (15%)
  19. Write a letter to yourself (14%) 
  20. Have a romantic dinner at the Eiffel Tower (14%)

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