At the start of the year, reports surfaced of a bullying incident at Franklin High School in which students recorded ripping a wig off of Lauren Williams, a 16-year-old sophomore.
Lauren has suffered from Eczema and Psoriasis throughout most of her life which has affected her scalp and hair growth. About a year ago, she began wearing wigs to school in order to feel more confident.
Being the total bada** that she is, Lauren didn't let the bullying incident get her down and shaved off all of her hair, becoming more confident than ever!
With the help of some incredible photographers and makeup artists, Lauren was given a glamour photo shoot and all I can say is
I mean, come on! Look at her! Now THAT is how you stand up to bullies and prove that you are an inspiration and a total bada**! Lauren - you are amazing. Never let the haters get you down ❤️