

Robin is obsessed with dogs and true crime, swears more than a "lady" should, and constantly changes her colored hair!


Disney Sends Lost Slinky Dog on an Adventure

Last week, a woman named Kelly took her son to the most magical place on Earth - aka DISNEY!!! After going on his favorite ride, she let her son pick out a toy to take home with him, so of course he chose the greatest character of all - Slinky from Toy Story! 

But when they made it back home, Kelly realized they had accidentally left left him behind on a bench inside a gift shop.

So of course, Kelly being the AMAZING mom that she is, she called around and tried her best to track Slinky down! Finally, she got a call back! SLINKY HAD BEEN FOUND! And Mickey was gonna pay to have him sent back to his new family!

When Slinky finally showed up in the mail, Kelly was surprised to find that Slinky had gone on an adventure all across the park! You can check out the adorable photos below.

So, if you needed more proof that Disney is magical, there ya go! Now you have it!

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