

Robin is obsessed with dogs and true crime, swears more than a "lady" should, and constantly changes her colored hair!


Nashville Ranks Among Fastest Job Growth in America

We all know Nashville is growing like CRAZY and we all have different opinions on whether its good or not buuuuuut there's definitely some positive to come out of it!

According to data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Nashville area saw a 3.7% growth in jobs between 2016 and 2017, which puts Nashville in 3rd place for fastest job growth behind the Riverside-San Bernardino, California and Austin, Texas areas. So, if you're asking me, that's pretty damn good, right?

But here's where it gets even better - Nashville's unemployment rate has dropped to 2.8%, placing it among some of the lowest in the whole country!

Wanna learn more about how awesome Nashville is? Click here to read all the big words that I don't understand.

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