Laura MacLean, a 21-year-old Robert Gordon University student, is currently studying Management and Marketing. Recently, she landed an interview with Microsoft's University Recruitment team. Her Skype interview was set for February 18, 2019 at 11am.
On January 18th, she woke up early to prep for her interview by doing last minute research, getting her hair and makeup done, and making sure she had a full breakfast. 11am rolled around and she sat in front of her laptop's camera ready to WOW the interviewer!
Fifteen minutes later, no one had called her so she began to panic and emailed the recruitment team to make sure she was all set.
Remember...its JANUARY.
The recruiter kindly replied and told Laura that her interview was scheduled for February, not January. At this point, Laura was STILL confused.
Eventually she realized her was January, NOT FEBRUARY. She shared her embarrassing moment on Twitter and it quickly went viral.
Users made sure to cheer her up by pointing out that she's REALLY early when it comes to deadlines.
Others encouraged her to use this to her advantage.
Laura apologized to the recruiter, who completely understood and her interview is still on for FEBRUARY 18th!