

Robin is obsessed with dogs and true crime, swears more than a "lady" should, and constantly changes her colored hair!


Brewery Releases IPA Made With Lucky Charms

Remember the days of sitting in front of the TV, watching your cartoons, and eating your Lucky Charms? Yeah, I miss it too. Thanks to a brewery in Virginia, there's now a grown up version of this!

Smartmouth Brewing, which has two locations in Virginia, has created the "Saturday Morning Marshmallow IPA", which is literally brewed with Lucky Charms marshmallows! No, I'm not kidding. They used ACTUAL marshmallows from the ACTUAL cereal!

According to Elite Daily, the brewers also used "toasted marshmallows", galaxy, and calypso hops which will provide a citrusy and fruity flavor.The beer will be released on March 2nd and will be served on draft and in 16-ounce cans throughout Virginia after the release.

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