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It's so important to be ready and take the proper safety precautions in case of a damaging earthquake. Here's some tips on how you can shut off the natural gas line in your home in case of an emergency.
If you suspect there may be a gas leak in your home you have to act fast.
It's important to note that once your gas line is turned off only the utility can safely turn it back on so if you do have to turn it off it may take some time before the gas will be back on.
What you’ll need: A gas shutoff wrench or an ordinary pipe or crescent wrench (that you hopefully keep next to your gas main).
How can you tell when gas is leaking? If you smell a sulfur-like rotten egg smell, that’s natural gas. The gas company adds a compound so you can tell if there’s a leak.
How to turn off gas after an Earthquake:Find your gas meter and shutoff valve. Hopefully you already know where this stuff is. If not, try looking in the following locations: the side or in front of the building. Next to, or in that utility box on the side of the building if you live in an apartment building. Talk to your landlord ahead of time and ask for the location.
Once you’ve located your gas meter, turn the valve tang (the flat metal bit that fits in your wrench) 90 degrees so it is crosswise to the pipe.
After you've completed these steps you should be good to go, but as mentioned earlier you may have to contact your gas company in order to turn it on safely.