So, IDK if you've spent 12 hours a day on TikTok lately, but there's a bunch of Ariana Grande impersonators on there.
15-year-old Paige Neimann is one of them. She has *6 million followers* and is most known for her frickin' striking resemblance to the tHaNk u nExT superstar.
While imitation is said to be the highest form of flattery, Ari is straight-up not here for it.
In an Instagram Story post Thursday, she shared a video of someone doing their impersonation of a meme (!!!) while calling "the pony tail tik tok girls" degrading. She quickly deleted it [but we saw what we saw].
**Note: Ariana has also mentioned her discomfort with this sort of thing before.**
Paige responded in a Live video later, stating that she's used to Ariana shading her and that she's not a fan anymore.
What do you think about all of this?